Leading Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl Expert in Germany & Europe
About Ewelina Bubanja
Ewelina is an accredited Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Bowl Master, Sound Healer, and Germany's leading practitioner of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy. Specialising in sound therapy and energy work with groups and individuals, she brings a wealth of expertise, wisdom and intuition to her sound sessions, ceremonies and workshops.
In 2017, Ewelina became the sole distributor and trusted partner of Crystal Tones® Singing Bowls in Germany. Within this role, she has established the first and only accredited temple in Berlin, raising awareness of crystal sound therapy through sound healing trainings and setting the standard for its professional practice.
Ewelina has been involved in many collaborations and initiatives both in Germany and Europe. After years of teaching and welcoming students from around the world Ewelina launched a first educational space for crystal sound healing in Berlin - Crystalline Sound Institute, with an intention of sharing knowledge of the sound medicine and crystal healing through courses and workshops alongside advising on choosing Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl sets for her students and clients.
Ewelina aspires to facilitate a healing and awakening transformation for everyone, meeting you exactly where you are at any stage of the journey of your life.

Sound Therapy
Sound Therapy is one of the oldest forms of therapy known to mankind and has been used the world over to invoke, attune, and transform Consciousness. Sound produces powerful vibrations and, as we are vibrational beings by nature, our very structure is transformed by its movement. Every organ, bone and cell in our body has a resonant frequency and when our bodies feel sluggish, uninspired or unhealthy, sound can reset and re-tune these subtle energy fields. Alchemy Crystal Singing bowls create both pure tones and harmonic overtones which have the ability to shift brain waves, enhancing relaxation, creativity and therapy.
Sound travels 4 times more efficiently through water than through air. Our bodies are 70-80% water making us extremely susceptible to the therapy effects of sound. Just like plants, when we are healthy there is symmetry and balance seen in the crystallized water cells that make up the tissues and organs in our bodies.
Quantum Physics now accepts that all matter, our bodies included, is held together through vibration. The atoms that make up our bodies are mostly empty space and when working with high frequency sound vibration it is possible to create a structural blueprint that reminds your body on a molecular level where balance is.
Sound waves have geometric structures that they are resonating which can be visibly demonstrated through the study of cymatics. It is this primordial geometry that gives certain sounds the ability to permeate our bodies and remind our cells what symmetry, harmony & balance is.

Sound is the force of creation, the true whole. Music then, becomes the voice of the great cosmic Oneness and therefore the optimal way to reach this final state of healing
Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927)
What Are Crystals
Crystals are fossilized water, formed when water combines with an element under certain conditions of pressure, temperature and energy. As a crystal, the element is able to express itself as a more unified and ordered being. Silica sand, combined with water becomes quartz crystal. Quartz crystals have many physical properties. They amplify, transform, store, focus, and transfer energy. We see the results in microphones, radio and television equipment, timepieces, laser tools, and computers to name a few.
Our bodies, too, are crystalline in structure. When working with crystals, there may be profound effects on the organs, tissues, and cells, as well as the circulatory, endocrine, and metabolic systems. Thoughts are energy forms. When thought energy interacts with a crystal, those thoughts are changed to more harmonic forms, which change brainwave frequencies, showing possible alterations in consciousness. Thus, the power of positive intention or affirmation combined with the use of crystals provides remarkable therapy results.
Text by Sarah Rose, c1999 Golden Octave

What Are Alchemy Crystal Bowls
The Alchemy Singing Bowls are produced on a one of a kind custom built machine that utilizes a proprietary quartz fusion technology. This allows for the absolute highest magma temperature during production and creates a stable crystalline matrix structure in every Crystal Tones bowl. There is a quality difference you can clearly see, hear and feel. The quartz comes from one of the most sought after mines in North Carolina, known worldwide for its unsurpassed quality and are produced in the USA. They are infused with gemstones, earth substances and minerals such as ruby, amethyst, emerald, rose quartz, shungite, frankincense and precious metals like platinum, palladium and 24 carat gold.
Alchemy Crystal Tones ™ Singing Bowls are made of the highest quality (99.99% pure) quartz crystal, making them incredibly resonant. The tones produced by Alchemy Crystal Bowls are not just heard by the ear, you feel them in your body, with certain tones affecting your energy centers (chakras) for therapy, balancing & meditation.
When an organ or body part is healthy, it creates a natural resonant frequency in harmony with the rest of the body. When the vibration of a part of the body is out of harmony, we have dis-ease. With dis-ease, a different sound pattern is established in the affected part of the body. When sound is projected into the dis-eased area, correct harmonic patterns are restored.
The calming sound waves which emanate from the bowls immediately put the brain into the alpha state. They speak to the entire body vibrating each, organ cell and atom. Shaking loose old patterns, realigning and re-frequencing and allowing us to easily access higher states of consciousness.

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How Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls Work
There is a quality difference that you can hear and feel. Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls™ are created entirely within the USA with patented Sound Matrix Technology™ that makes them strong, very pure in tone, and rich with harmonic overtones. As a result of the fusion techonology used, they have a different molecular structure than other crystal singing bowls which are created on a lathe. Crystal Tones® bowls are made with only the highest grade quartz crystal that is guaranteed to be 99.992% pure (Lead-Free).
Gems, minerals and precious metals are fused with the quartz to create very resonant bowls. Every Alchemy Bowl is thoroughly inspected to ensure the integrity of the final product. The bowls are then marked with a unique ID number so that you can be assured it's a genuine Alchemy™ Crystal Singing Bowl.
We are committed to offering the most innovative tools that are made with loving intention, thus offering our clients the best sound tools available anywhere.
The tones produced by crystal bowls are not only heard by the ear, you feel them in your body, with certain tones affecting your energy centers (chakras) for therapy, balancing & meditation. Our entire body is crystalline in structure, causing it to respond and resonate with the extraordinary frequencies of quartz crystal. Just like the sun, crystal singing bowls emit photons (life force energy).
The harmonics that emanate from them are determined by the bowl size and shape, and also by the specific elements added, such as precious gems and minerals. The resulting "Alchemy" tones activate therapy chemicals in every cell of your body, right down to the DNA.
The Alchemy Crystal Tones™Singing Bowls are particularly helpful, because they have the added properties of precious gems and rare minerals, such as platinum, rubies, aquamarine, amethyst and gold just to name few.

Benefits of Alchemy Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy
Relief from stress and anxiety
Affects all cells in your body
Enhanced creativity
Improved concentration
Brain hemisphere balancing
Restoration of equilibrium in the endocrine system
Relief of sinus congestion and headaches
Induction of Theta brainwave activity or deep meditation
Movement of the cerebrospinal fluid
Chakra and aura balancing and cleaning (and corresponding organs and glands)
Heightened access to intuition and higher consciousness
Space clearing
Cleanses negative energy and emotions
Connecting with your higher self
Helps to recover after illness, traumas and invasive medical treatments
Helps to cope with life's challenges
Cleanses negative energy and emotions
Increases vital energy flow, creativity, intuition and motivation
Removes blockages and toxins
Stimulates endocrine glands and regulates hormonal functioning
Stress reduction
Strengthens immune system
Soothe, purify and harmonise your emotions and feelings